Thursday, 6 March 2008

Bloody Witches

Its' time for a decision, and I'm not sure what to do. I guess it all hangs on why I'm writing this blog, what it's for, who it's for and what I expect to get out of it... I've been to my first counselling session, and now I've got to decide whether this is something that I can share. If I rip my chest open and expose my heart what good will it do? What hurt could it do? On reflection I don't think that I will share, well, not everything. Still, twas interesting and kind of useful - even if it's just the modern equivalent of shouting down a well.

So what else has been going on? Johnny Foreigner has persuaded me to talk about working for them (an expenses paid trip to Milan - woo!). So that's one hare set running. Tomorrow is all about meetings - in the am it's all about serious games when I'll be putting my morals in my back pocket as I try to make a bob or two out of the military, and in the pm it's all about fun games where I try to make a bob or two out of teenage couch potatoes. Putting it like that, neither sounds like the sort of thing to be proud of, but strangely, I am. The scale of the task in front of me is bloody huge though, and frankly, terrifying.

On other fronts, a slightly weird night out last night was had.. not sure why, but even walking to the Blues Bar you could feel the tension in the air - little groups of teenage thugs, weird people shouting nothing - signs and portents. No reason why the rest of the night should have been so strange - but other people felt it too - vaguely unsatisfying and disquieting.. In the modern world we struggle to explain things like this where in the past it was just evil spirits or witches. Maybe its just the time of year for it.....

"In Christian Europe the old heathen custom of expelling the powers of evil at certain times of the year has survived to modern times.Thus in some villages of Calabria the month of March is inaugurated with the expulsion of the witches. It takes place at night to the sound of the church bells, the people running about the streets and crying, "March is come." They say that the witches roam about in March, and the ceremony is repeated every Friday evening during the month."

The Golden Bough: a study of magic and religion by Sir James George Frazer (1906)

Bloody witches.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Bloody Witches indeed. March is a mad'n. That's for sure. Rest assured my friend - all will be well soon. County Cricket season starts.