Thursday, 10 April 2008

Employed, exploded, upbraided and beautiful shabby arses.

Where were we? Ah yes. The saga continues.... since the last installment, I have been busy. Properly busy. Meetings here, there and every fucking where. Busy is good - no time to think, no time to ponder, no time to mope - just keep on keeping on. So what, I hear no-one ask, is the upshot of all this frenzied activity? (small break in the stream of consciousness here as I go into a small rant about whatever the fuck Skype has started doing to my computer - now the antivirus doesn't recognise or allow it, and I have to press OK to permit it every couple of minutes - major pain in the arse)
Hmm...What has happened? Well, I'm employed - 2 days a week! Enough money to keep chez nous ticking over, and enough time left to chase other projects. Result. Should be fun - nice people (fuck skype) and not a million miles away.
RIP then my old Jeep... or nearly. Headgasket blew on the M1 last week resulting in a repair bill which equates to the total value of the car... big thanks however to Lighthouse Jeep Spares - £37 for a head gasket set as opposed to £211 from Chrysler.(Fuck skype).
Plans are underway for the Great Voyage. Having come into the possession of a narrowboat on the Avon, the task of moving it up to Yorkshire is upon me - or rather upon someone else..14 days of (fuck skype) sailing (I think that the correct term is cruising, but somehow it doesn't sound quite right) and 144 locks. The journey may be split own into sections (or not - who knows) so there may be some mobile bloggage to come. I'd love to do the journey myself - it takes in some of the most scenic and beeeoootiful parts of the canal network, as well as a lot of industrial grit and grime. In towns and cities the canals are a window into our industrial past, and the sights you see are often hidden from people who live minutes away - high streets may get corporate rebranding, but the canals show the shabby arse of towns that often hasn't been touched in a hundred years - like the clogged up arteries of an old lady with too many facelifts, but beautiful in it's own way.
But in more general terms, life is looking up. Jam tomorrow now has a date and a paycheck waiting, spring is sprung, people have lost the winter glums, and there is room for optimism.
Upbraided? Ah - yes, was chastised for lazy bloggage last night, so here I make amends. Is that alright for you?


daren said...

ah. yes. better.
mmmuch better.

please consider your chatising rescinded.

brilliant news about the job thing. best of british luck to you Minister.

Matt said...

Fuck Skype!
Stick it to the man!
Power to the peeeeeepuuuuul.